Monday, March 17, 2025
Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

Horse Wanders Into Men’s Restroom At Dixie Chicken

By Call Me By My Fish’s Name , in Campus Life Student Issues , at September 10, 2024 Tags: , ,

This past weekend, a horse was found stuck in the men’s restroom at Dixie Chicken, seemingly enticed by the horse-trough-style urinals. 

Despite signage warning that contents within the urinal are NOT meant for ingestion, it seems the horse couldn’t pass up a cold one — though filtered through the male urinary tract. It is unclear whether the horse was drawn by the smell of the restroom or the sight of its ostensible dinner table. 

Thankfully, several members of the Corps of Cadets, who were playing pool nearby at the time of the incident, were able to steer the stallion off the premises. 

“I’m a big beer guy,” economics junior Richard Moore, a cadet, said. “I love an ice cold Natty Lite as much as the next guy, so if that’s what [the horse] was after, honestly, how can we blame him?”

The incident has made waves on campus. A group of students have christened the animal “Piss Horse” and are clamoring for its freedom. 

“I was born and raised in this country,” political science senior Vivian Nguyen, organizer of several Piss Horse events on campus, said. “My parents immigrated here so I could have rights. Why, then, can’t horses have the same? I demand equality. I demand action.” 

A “Gallop for Piss Horse” protest march has been announced to take place next week on campus, followed by an interpretive dance performance at Rudder Auditorium by two guys in a horse costume.  

Texas A&M’s Large Animal Hospital was called and has taken the animal in for the time being. Investigation is still being done as to the whereabouts of the horse’s owner, so responsibility for the incident has not yet been attributed. 

— Call Me By My Fish’s Name