What Northgate Spot Are You Based on Your Astrological Sign?
Aries: Chimy’s
You have great vibes, but you drive people crazy sometimes.
Taurus: The Corner
You’re dependable and there when someone needs you. You are the grandma friend.
Gemini: Tipsy Turtle
You’re fun to be around and bring out the truest version of people. Also great pickle shots!
Cancer: Logie’s
Something about you makes me want to spill my guts out to you. You make me feel warm inside, keep doing what you’re doing.
Pisces: Dry Bean
Too much. Something about you makes me want to spill my guts. In a vomit way.
Leo: Hurricane Harry’s
You have showoff tendencies, but you are also hilarious so it kind of cancels out.
Virgo: Cedar Lane
You’re tame for the most part, but you have your out-there moments.
Libra: The Backyard
You would be cooler if you stopped trying so hard! And if you were less passive aggressive.
Scorpio: O’Bannons
You have a resting bitch face. But you’re really cool in an understated way.
Sagittarius: Dixie Chicken
You wear your heart on your sleeve and everyone loves you for it. You never try to be someone you’re not.
Capricorn: Shiner Park
You’re straight to the point. With you, people always know what to expect. I will not elaborate.
Aquarius: Social
You change everything about yourself every six months to stand out. Is it working? Reflect.
— Squat Pilgrim

Look, you didn’t ask for your roommate to be the buffest guy in the hall. You’re not opposed to staying fit, but if we’re being honest, you have no idea what this guy is up to most of the time. He’s always drinking brightly colored concoctions, going on about PRs, and blasting the worst music you’ve ever heard while he takes mirror pic after mirror pic. You can’t deny it though: the dude’s got some thighs. Some thick, thunderous, meaty thighs. Sometimes you wonder if it’s really jealousy you’re feeling or if it’s… something else. Never mind.