Local Hero Buys Round of Shots for the Table
At approximately 12:05 a.m. on Friday morning, senior industrial distribution major Trevor Laber purchased a round of shots for his group at the popular bar Twelve. Following an intense debate over who would purchase the Lemon Drops and Kamikazes, Laber held up his Chase debit card as a sign that he would foot the thirteen dollar bill.
“I can’t believe Trevor was willing to spend $2 on me. That’s how you know that he’s a real friend,” said Carla Marsch.
Laber works a part-time job at the Student Recreation Center which allows him the necessary funds for such an expense. Following his purchase, Laber spent twenty minutes in the bathroom and then proceeded to walk the two blocks back to his apartment, shaking hands as he left the venue.
—Buffalo Wild Wags

Wait… you’ve never eaten wings at Duncan before? Woe is you, because there is only one cadet crafty enough to finagle Buffalo Wild Wings delivery to the Quad at any waking moment. If starving cadets have ever woken up drooling to the scent of Hot BBQ or Mango Habanero, you could blame her, if you knew who she was. But don’t be too upset, we can’t convince her to bring any to meetings either.