Matt Chandler Plants “Foundations Fellowship” Inside of Foundations
Matt Chandler, Lead Pastor at The Village Church in Flower Mound, Texas, has decided to leave his current position to pursue his most ambitious project yet: planting a church within Foundations Lounge.
Foundations Lounge, better known by the College Station community as Foundies, will remain a nightclub most of the week. However, starting this Sunday, Foundations Fellowship will open its doors to become College Station’s newest place of worship. The Church’s leadership hopes that it will be a welcoming place for students who have fallen away from Christ during their early adult years.
“When this idea was first pitched to me, I was a little skeptical,” Chandler said. “But after further reflection, I realized that Foundies has everything I need: cool lighting, a wide stage for me to run around, and an edgy name that relates to Christ but isn’t too churchy. Plus, the goal of planting churches is to reach the unreached peoples of the world — and I can’t think of anyone more unreached than Foundies patrons.”
Placing a church in a nightclub creates other unique opportunities such as using the bar for communion and having an open space for worship. Foundations Fellowship will also hold a bible study called “Spirit Study” on $1 well nights.
“Placing a church within a nightclub will make it much easier for me to attend. When I am hungover Sunday mornings, I can just remember to go back to the place I came from the previous night,” said freshman communications major Caroline Buckerd. “This added convenience is all I need to make it to the 11:00 a.m. service.”
This experimental idea is being watched closely and could lead to the planting of other churches such as John one:fifteen and Luke 12 at 12. In addition, a church in Austin has shown significant interest in planting their own Northgate church called “The Corner Stone.”
—Christian Bubble Butt

Our ultimate insider into the religious side of Texas A&M, Christian Bubble Butt is known for her short stature and her enormous backside. At Breakaway, boys have to tear their eyes from her plump behind, pushing the temptation to the back of their head as they instead focus on their pursuit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.