Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

Mugdown Actors Guild

What is the “Mugdown Actors Guild?”

Want to be a part of Mugdown projects and still be able to humble-brag to your friends about it?

The Mugdown has a lot of exciting content coming up, but sometimes being anonymous can hold us back from creating it all on our own. We would love to produce more videos, for example, but that is hard to do when we can’t show our faces on camera. That’s where you come in.

We are looking for people willing to be actors of all types for various Mugdown projects. Video actors, voice actors, videographers, photographers, musicians, and sound producers are all needed—no experience required!

We need a lot of people to make our dreams come true. All you have to do is fill out the form below and you’re set-up to be a not-so-shadowy member of Texas A&M’s favorite shadowy organization!


Actually, we encourage you to tell your friends about the Mugdown Actors Guild! While the staff of The Mugdown remains anonymous, the Mugdown Actors Guild serves as an auxiliary of The Mugdown and provides an opportunity for people to be involved in a more public manner.

Very limited, depending on the project.

We are just looking for volunteers for when we have projects come up. We won’t need everyone for every project, but signing up shows that you’re interested in helping out and gives you early access to some of our newest projects.


Besides, when we produced Corps of Cadets: The Musical, we worked with plenty of people who had no stage experience and we think it turned out pretty swell.

No, articles will still be written by The Mugdown Staff. This is separate from the application for the writing staff.

I mean… I guess so, if you want.