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Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

Graduating Seniors Face Quarter Life Crises

By Lone Star Lady , in Campus Life , at May 12, 2015 Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Graduation is looming, and those preparing their caps and gowns are realizing how rapidly their college career is coming to a close. Some students are thrilled to be leaving, others are feeling a deep sense of nostalgia. But still others are in a confusing mixture of both feelings.

“I don’t know what to do with myself,” senior Allie Sexton said. “One minute I’m so ready to leave this school and the next minute I’m an emotional mess. These last four years have just been so incredible.”

Some seniors and super-seniors are reveling in their college experience, remembering with fondness the blood, sweat, and tears of their four years. But for those overzealous members of the class of 2016, there is some regret involved.

“I thought finishing in three years would be a brilliant idea. Save some money, get into the world faster, that kind of thing,” said class of 2016 member Sam Prowders. “But I would give anything for another year here. But then again, not having to take any more tests…but also having to figure out my retirement fund…”

Others are handling things more dramatically, jumping at any opportunity to create a last-minute college memory.

“It’s like I’m not myself,” Claire Hames said. “I got an Aggie ring tattooed under my Aggie ring so that even when I’m not wearing it, I’ll always represent the 12th Man. YOLO, I think.”

With the question mark looming over the future, whether or not there is a job on the horizon, the desire to be a “real adult” versus loving the liberty of being a college student is a tug-of-war waging inside every student. It is overwhelming for many, exciting for others, and terrifying for the rest.

This has led to various breakdowns, an alarming combination of laughing and crying, as graduation looms closer. Graduates are encouraged to capitalize on the remaining two weeks in their blissful college ignorance before real life comes to meet them. That, or start applying for graduate school. What better way to delay the real-world than more education and debt?

-Lone Star Lady