Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

Former Student Devastated by Loss of Spotify Premium Discount

By Rev's Rave Yard , in Campus Life , at March 17, 2025 Tags: , ,

Despite its seemingly apparent benefits, graduation comes with its own set of problems for many students. Recently graduated ag major Chris Parker thought walking the stage a semester early would be a power move. 

“I figured it’d make me look super ambitious and mature,” Parker said. “I imagined everyone saying, ‘Wow, Chris, you’re so ahead of the game!’” 

Instead of the admiration he expected, Parker now faces a harsh reality: life without student discounts — and no job to soften the blow.

“I knew adulthood would be hard, but I didn’t think it meant paying full price for Spotify Premium,” Parker said, staring blankly at his expired student ID. “I was just trying to save money on tuition … I didn’t realize I’d be losing my half-price Hulu and Amazon Prime, too. The first hint of trouble came when I tried to log into my student Spotify account. An error message said my account was no longer eligible for the student plan. I couldn’t re-enroll without a valid .edu email.”

Losing Spotify Premium for Students, which offers a significant discount, meant either paying full price or facing a world without ad-free music. Parker also lost discounts on Amazon Prime, Paramount+, AT&T and various other software subscriptions — even his beloved student discount at the local coffee shop.

Worse still, Parker had assumed that a college diploma would guarantee him a job by now. 

“I thought, ‘Hey, I’ll be ahead of all the May grads,’ but I forgot it’s literally March,” he said. “Nobody’s hiring, so now I’m broke, unemployed and paying full price for coffee.”

Parker hopes his story will bring attention to the issue and inspire companies to offer transitional discounts for former students navigating post-college life.

“Just because we left school doesn’t mean we don’t need a break,” Parker said. “If anything, we need those discounts more than ever.”

Until then, Parker is making do with free trials, discount codes and friends’ Netflix accounts.

— Rev’s Rave Yard