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Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

Chief Student Officer Embezzles Membership Dues to Pay for Personal Mental Health Day

By Hannibal Lechner , in Campus Life , at December 7, 2022 Tags: , ,

After another hectic meeting spent advertising for a profit share and reminding members of the absence policy, the president of Aggie Women in Supply Chain (AWSC), Janie Barton, slipped $35 from the collected dues envelope into her backpack. Barton plans to use this money to pay for a mental health day to recover from all the struggles she faces as a chief student officer.

“If anything, this is really just how the organization can pay me back for all the things I do for this org,” Barton said. “General members have no idea how taxing it is to run a whole organization as big and hectic as ours.”

When asked what she plans to do with the money, Barton told us that she will be getting her nails done, and buying an iced coffee to sip while she sends follow up texts to unresponsive members.


— Hannibal Lechner