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The Gentlemug’s Guide To Successful Dating App Prompts and Answers

By 12th Baby , in 2025 Valentine's Day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , at February 12, 2025 Tags: , , ,

Fellas, we all know how hard it is to get a girl’s attention on dating apps. However, we’ve been doing it all wrong. In our humble experience, we’ve learned that girls don’t care about that photo of you with a dog, or if you can take a decent gym selfie. Remember this: they care if you’re funny. And let’s face it, most of us don’t know how to be funny. Well, consider today your lucky day because the men at The Mugdown want to lend a helping hand. We’ve compiled the most successful dating app prompts and answers that will make girls fall for you immediately.

Prompt: First Date Idea

Answer: We go to couple’s therapy and see how long it takes for the therapist to realize we don’t know each other.

This is a revolutionary answer. No other guy has thought of something this funny, so we thought we would share it with you poor, suffering souls. Girls will see this and immediately think, “This is so original! Something about him is so sexy!”

Prompt: What’s your biggest fear?

Answer: Women

Not only does this answer show that you’re a goofy guy, it also shows that you’re sensitive and willing to admit that some women intimidate you. Trust me, there will be a swarm of ladies willing to help you overcome this fear.

Prompt: I go crazy for…

Answer: Mentally ill girls

Every single self-diagnosed girl with daddy issues will go absolutely crazy for you if you give her this answer, even if it’s a joke. Girls always joke about their mental illnesses, so they’ll love it even more when you joke about it with them. How to spot one of these girls? Pro tip: clock a septum ring and you’ve caught one — go forth and go crazy!

Prompt: Let’s debate this topic…

Answer: Helen Keller is not real

This answer is funny and thought-provoking. No one is willing to speak up about the possibility that this blind and deaf woman was faking it the whole time! I guarantee that girls will see this answer and laugh, then they’ll think for a moment and say, “Wow, I never thought of that. maybe I should talk to this guy, he seems like a good time.”

Any of these answers will undoubtedly get you hundreds of likes and hundreds of girls. If you’re still looking for a Valentine’s date, look no further. Remember to tag The Mugdown in your inevitable engagement photos and invite us to the wedding! 

—12th Baby