Two-Week Update: New Year’s Resolutions Not Going So Well
Staff members at the Student Recreation Center, or Rec, experienced some serious disappointment on Monday morning when the building remained as empty as it had been over the winter break. None of the free weights had been left around, all the machines were properly reset and the halls lacked the iconic Rec sweat smell, all hallmarks of a long period of abandonment .
“I was actually pretty hyped to start the semester off with a good workout, but there wasn’t anyone within a 500-foot radius of the Rec,” kinesiology sophomore Ethan Wagner said. “It kinda harshed the vibe, so I just left.”
While the Rec remained almost empty throughout the day, there were a few students that trickled in and out and gave the workers something to do besides binge David Goggins videos behind their desk. Disappointingly, though, these were the usual suspects — overzealous gym rats and marathon runners who hogged the treadmills — all students who would’ve been there anyway.
“I figured this was coming at some point,” Isabella Marks, a member of the Texas A&M custodial staff, said. “All these Instagram posts about how everyone is going to lose that freshman 15 in the new year, and look at this! Dust on the squat rack.”
Evans Library staff reported poor attendance as well, sparking concern within University administration about the academic outlook for the Spring 2025 semester.
— MSGlee

MSGlee is a dirty, filthy pledge of The Mugdown, and hasn’t earned the privilege of a bio, so check back next semester!