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Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

The Mugdown Announces Their Endorsement For President

By 8:30 P.M. Yell , in Elections Student Issues Uncategorized , at November 5, 2024 Tags: , , ,

While corporate newspapers and The Battalion are playing it safe this election season, The Mugdown stands proudly by a candidate we know and love for her unapologetic commitment to change, whether the university was ready for it or not. 

We — The Mugdown — endorse former Texas A&M University President Katherine Banks as the perfect candidate to lead our country into a new era of governance. 

Anyone who can single-handedly reform Aggieland, leave in a blaze of controversy and just barely get away with it is exactly the bold, unifying figure America needs.

Banks was never one to cower from change. Her innovative 25×25 program, quick and efficient mergers of the Arts and Sciences colleges and redefinition of inclusive leadership defined her tenure at A&M. If Banks can shake up a university as big as ours, imagine what she could do in the White House!

Banks’ campaign to reorganize America would bring her blend of brisk reform to the federal level, consolidating agencies and removing the bureaucracy. Education, healthcare, the border — just 25×25 all of them. 

Is this transition going to be good? It is unclear. But if Banks taught us anything, it’s that true efficiency is worth a few raised eyebrows and “leaked internal emails alleging misconduct.”

Critics say her exit was a “forced resignation,” a result of controversy over hiring practices and allegedly ignoring her faculty. But The Mugdown sees this as resilience. Banks has shown that in the face of scandal she can keep moving forward, often without even acknowledging  said scandal. Why listen when you can simply implement a plan that speaks for itself?

So, we at The Mugdown are proudly throwing our support behind M. Katherine Banks for President of the United States. Because sometimes, what America needs isn’t a candidate who says the right things — but one who gets things done. Or at least leaves before anyone realizes exactly what they did.

-8:30 P.M. Yell for The Mugdown Editorial Board