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KANM Prepares for ‘Save The Music’ Concert—But What Exactly Are They Saving?

By 8:30 P.M. Yell , in Campus Life Student Organizations , at October 31, 2024

As KANM Student Radio prepares for its sixteenth biannual Save The Music concert this Halloween weekend, Aggies are once again left asking: “What exactly are they saving the music from?” 

Despite nearly a decade of hosting this event, the mission behind the concert remains as ambiguous as ever. Whether or not the music is in any real danger has yet to be determined.

“We’ve been doing this for eight years now, and honestly, we’re not entirely sure if the music has been saved yet,” KANM’s Station Manager Nathaniel Waring said. “But something tells me we need to keep trying — maybe it’s Spotify, maybe it’s the DJs on Northgate or maybe it’s the Singing Cadets … who knows?”

Students across campus were equally unsure about the event’s purpose.

“I think this is more about trying to stay relevant than actually saving any music,” finance sophomore Jules Walker said. “The music seems fine. If anything, it’s KANM that might need saving. Does anyone listen to the radio anymore?” 

Even with an unclear mission —  and although the event is seemingly held together with gaff tape and Redbull — the concert draws a crowd every semester, luring in those curious about what “saving music” even means. 

— 8:30 P.M. Yell