Sunday, March 16, 2025
Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

Sexiest bike cops on campus!

By Mrs. Dabfire , in Campus Life Clickbait , at May 1, 2024 Tags: , , ,

Campus bike cops do wonderful work to keep our school safe, yet they often go unnoticed. We here at the Mugdown want to fix that. Allow us to introduce the five sexiest, most single bike cops on campus!

1. Dan

I mean just look at him. I’d love to get pulled over by that.

2.  Professor Johnson

Sometimes an educator’s salary isn’t enough to make ends meet. Professor Johnson patrols Northgate on Saturdays looking to ticket his students who haven’t completed their homework.

3. Me

Yes. I, the Mugdown writer, am also a bike cop. This is a real picture of me. Make sure to speed on your scooter tomorrow so I can pull you over. 

4. Andy Samberg

Little known fact, Andy Samberg worked as a bike cop here in College Station to get real-world experience for his role on Brooklyn Nine-Nine. He liked it so much that when the show ended he decided to come here full time.

5. Teddy

Teddy was unwilling to give his picture, but rest assured he deserves to be on this list as one of the hottest bike cops in A&M history. If you’ve ever been to Northgate on a Friday, you know who I’m talking about.

— Mrs. Dabfire