Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

Clingy Fraternity Pledges Beg Big Event to be a Part of the Same Group

By Rudder Ducky , in Campus Life , at March 26, 2024 Tags: , , , , ,

Freshmen fraternity pledges Roderick Fisher and Justin Ware were eagerly awaiting their group assignments for The Big Event until a sudden disaster materialized in their inbox: they were not placed at the same job-site.

Fisher and Ware are as close as pledges can be as they often enjoy improving their bodies together at the rec and eating dinner together each evening at the Commons. Fisher even changed his major from biochemistry to business, so he could register for the same classes as Ware and help with his homework.

“Nothing beats the rush you get from going to the rec and seeing your bro’s gains,” Fisher said. “I couldn’t imagine not being able to channel our combined strength to serve the community.”

In an email to Big Event Staff, Ware highlighted the tight bond between himself and Fisher to plead his case for them to be reunited.

“He’s my rock in this crazy, unpredictable world, and I was heartbroken when I noticed we were placed with different job-site leaders for the Big Event this weekend,” Ware said. “It would mean everything to me if the entire fraternity’s groups could be rearranged, so I won’t have to spend a single day away from him. Thanks and Gig’ Em!”

The leaders of Big Event notoriously sway away from requests such as job-site leader changes and group shuffling to appease a few random students, but with the end of pledgeship approaching, perhaps the staff of Big Event will service the community in more than one way this weekend.

— Rudder Ducky