Monday, March 17, 2025
Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

Fish Camp Chair Reject Forced to Become Productive Member of Society

By Lavender Hazed , in Campus Life Fish Camp , at December 1, 2023 Tags: , , ,

This past Tuesday, hundreds of hopeful Fish Camp chairs opened their email to find they were not given this elusive honor and will instead be spending their summer as productive members of society in a job or internship. These rejects will not be able to make partnerships bound to lead to a one-night stand, magically have all of their best friends in the same camp, or even spend their whole summer in one of the finest cities in Texas, College Station.

“What else is summer for if I can’t make temporary relationships with hundreds of freshmen I’ll never speak to again,” Kate Fisher, a chair reject, said. “My whole life is Fish Camp!”

After seeing a major decrease in class attendance and virtually all campus life this past week, it was discovered that an overwhelming number of Texas A&M juniors spent the majority of their break scrambling for internship positions after finding out they were not selected to be a Fish Camp chairperson.

“What good is a summer internship if I can’t brag about it in my Instagram bio, or take cute pictures on the steps of their corporate building? I simply do not know how other students do one of these nine to five things every summer,” reject John Robert said.

On an unrelated note, the University Writing Center has seen its one-star reviews increase by 450%.

— Lavender Hazed