Monday, March 17, 2025
Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

Everyone Invited to Your Roommate’s Ring Dunk Except You

By Lavender Hazed , in Uncategorized , at October 24, 2023 Tags: , , , ,

Following the influx of newly heavy-handed Aggies this September, thousands of roommates have risen up to share their stories about a unique Texas A&M travesty: not being invited to a roommate’s ring dunk.

“I don’t understand what I could’ve done, I take out the trash and everything!” Jasmine Howell, a sophomore communications major living with two juniors, said. The turn of events leading up to the haunting “Oh how was the ring dunk?” question is “forever etched” into Howell’s memory.

“Well, I remember walking into the kitchen and seeing my roommate’s entire extended family chatting,” Howell said. “Of course, her mom asks me if they’ll be seeing me at the ring dunk party that night, a statement to which my roomie made a hissing noise while I had to of course awkwardly shake my head. It was humiliating!”

Daniella Villanueva, the roommate that not so cunningly planned her pitcher-perfect night to avoid those pesky roommate discrepancies.

“It was really nothing personal, I just hate her guts!” Villanueva said. “I definitely did my best to keep her from knowing, but oh yeah, I did post about it on Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, Facebook, and LinkedIn….”

— Lavender Hazed