Is Reveille 10 Secretly Ben 10?? Check Out What’s On HER Omnitrix!
Reveille actually can only turn into action figures because those were the only images we could get the license for.
From left to right
Top Row: Four Arms, Spidermonkey, Heatblast, Ripjaws
2nd row: Big Chill, Ghostfreak, Grey Matter, Goop
Bottom row: Diamondhead, Wildmutt, XLR8, Echo Echo

You’ve seen him, the phantom of the Memorial Student Center, lurking in the back of the lunch crowd. Perhaps you caught a glimpse of him darting in and out of various conference rooms. MSC ALITTLE is the CEO of overcommitment, and a sucker for any organization with a pithy acronym. His motives are a mystery. Clout chasing? Resume building? Maybe he just really likes the food at Rev’s. Whatever the case, we count ourselves lucky to be swept away to his lair in the basement, to be tutored in time management and seizing the day.