University Routes Water Away From Engineering Student Dorms in New Water Conservation Effort
Last Monday at 9:37 a.m., President Katherine Banks announced that as part of a new “eco-friendly” water conservation initiative, Texas A&M University will no longer be providing water to the dorms of engineering students. This effort is estimated to save the university millions of dollars and tens of gallons of water.
“It’s not like they need it anyway,” said President Banks. “They don’t flush the toilet. They don’t wash their hands. And they definitely aren’t taking showers.”
Environmental science researchers in the Department of Geosciences are heralding this move by university administration as an “innovative” and “effective” effort to help keep surrounding bodies of water at a healthier level.
“Sometimes you have to make personal sacrifices to fight to save the environment,” Professor of Ecology Dr. Rob Peterson said. “Other times, you have situations like this where literally not a single soul is affected in the fight.”
If this first phase of the project is successful, sources within the Admin Building confirmed there is a second stage in which toilet bowl water will be rerouted to sinks in the Corps of Cadets barracks.
— BTHO Rabies

You’re fighting for your life, sweating bullets on a flag room couch. You got in a wrestling match with a Kyle Field bat and the bat won. He whooped you faster than a junior-by-hours. He beat the 12th man out of you. You better be glad he let you keep on ever-living… ever-loving… You’re alive, but now you feel it coursing through your veins: pure rage in the form of a viral infection. Sure you could get treatment, but old army’s tougher than that. Reveilles 1 through 8 would be rolling in their graves. There’s only one redass, good bull way to handle this. Say it with me now. BEAT. THE. HELL. OUTTA. RABIES. Whoop!