Governor Abbott Blocks Access to Canvas on Texas A&M Campus for Cyber-Security Concerns
Last Monday, Governor Greg Abbott announced an order to ban Canvas on all governmental devices and networks. This new ban, along with his crackdown on government use of TikTok in December, is part of a new initiative to “preserve online safety for Texans.”
“While Canvas has claimed that it stores U.S. data within the U.S., China might still have access to it somehow,” Governor Abbott said. “I don’t really know how computers work, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.”
In addition, the Abbott Administration claims to have received hundreds of complaints across Texas from students who believe Canvas is “secretly being used for malignant purposes like “child labor”‘ and “ranking individuals based on their behavior”.
“I really wish they had done this in December before grades came out, but this is still a great first step by the Abbott administration,” freshman general engineering major Buster Watkins said.
Even professors are looking forward to the changes that will come with this order.
“I’m not sure how it’s going to make us more secure,” Henry Martin, a tenured computer engineering professor, said. “But to be honest, I didn’t know how to use Canvas anyway.,”
At press time, sources within the state capitol reported that The Mugdown is next on Abbott’s list to block on campus due to all of the Chinese propaganda its writers plan to publish this semester.
—BTHO Rabies

You’re fighting for your life, sweating bullets on a flag room couch. You got in a wrestling match with a Kyle Field bat and the bat won. He whooped you faster than a junior-by-hours. He beat the 12th man out of you. You better be glad he let you keep on ever-living… ever-loving… You’re alive, but now you feel it coursing through your veins: pure rage in the form of a viral infection. Sure you could get treatment, but old army’s tougher than that. Reveilles 1 through 8 would be rolling in their graves. There’s only one redass, good bull way to handle this. Say it with me now. BEAT. THE. HELL. OUTTA. RABIES. Whoop!