Monday, March 17, 2025
Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

Dear Reveille, Hullabaloo CONNECT Reject

By Mugdown Admin , in Dear Reveille , at November 14, 2022 Tags: , , , , , ,

Dear Reveille,


Once my friends joined CONNECT they became horrible people. Is this normal or is it just them?


—Hullabaloo CONNECT Reject



Hullabaloo CONNECT Reject,


It’s always tough when friends change, but saying they turned into assholes demonstrates a failure on your part to self-reflect. It’s not really their fault they’ve sworn off all of your shared interests in favor of weeknight drinking. If the virgin loser activities y’all used to enjoy don’t have social media appeal, you weren’t really leaving your friends much of a choice. After all, the algorithm doesn’t reward late-night philosophical conversations as much as it does karaoke posts.


As for coping with this, I advise you to accept the natural order of things at Texas A&M. Our university’s vibrant student org culture is what makes it special. Being a real Aggie means leaving your organically-formed friendships in favor of organizations with lots of Instagram-relevant members. As soon as you accept your role as a stepping stone for someone moving onto bigger things, you’ll be much less miserable. Also, you’ll sound really cool when you say “one of my friends is in CONNECT.”


— Reveille