Homeschooled Kid Defies Odds, Is Normal
According to eyewitnesses, Daniel Deacon regularly attends class wearing khaki shorts and a Comfort Colors t-shirt collected from his involvement in various organizations. Most of his peers claim that he is a normal, sociable 20-year-old despite the fact that Deacon was homeschooled.
The Mugdown was able to interview Deacon between his intramural volleyball game and Breakaway. Deacon, a junior biology major, said that his transition from homeschooling to college was “pretty chill.” Having taken several dual-credit classes at UT San Antonio, the structure of college courses was familiar to him. City-league sports also helped Deacon get to know his hometown peers, and he is still roommates with several members of his baseball team.
A recent Battalion poll asked readers: “What are some telltale signs that a student was homeschooled before coming to Texas A&M?” Some of the top answers collected were: “wears long denim skirts,” “still lives with parents,” and “can recite at least five of Weird Al Yankovic’s songs.” Despite the audience consensus regarding those typical traits, none of them seem to describe Deacon.
Deacon acknowledges that some homeschool stereotypes hold true. His parents own a 15-passenger van, refuse to use smartphones, keep chickens in the backyard of their suburban home, and regard Tim Hawkins as the pinnacle of comedy — though Deacon says that none of those choices impacted his social development.
“On the other hand, my brother went to seminary after leaving home, and that dude is freaking weird,” Deacon said.
—West Campus Mirage

Did you see her? Did you not see her? West Campus Mirage is as much a figment of our imagination as she is yours. Supposedly, she can’t come to meetings because all of her classes are on West Campus. Yet, no one has actually seen her in real life, only on the Bush School website.