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Upcoming iOS Update Introduces Feature to Prevent Immediately Texting Your Crush Back

By Soiled Science , in Local News , at January 26, 2022 Tags: , , , , , ,

An upcoming update for iOS-supported devices will introduce a feature to prevent users from immediately texting their crush back. This new feature has been long requested by college students to eliminate “text back” anxiety and the associated feelings of social inadequacy. With this update, even the most desperate students will be able to play hard-to-get.

Acting disinterested in your crush is reportedly the most effective way to make them wonder what they are missing out on. However, some individuals still struggle with self-control and are eager to have real-time text conversations. By enabling this new feature, it becomes simple to match someone’s energy and avoid social responsibilities.

With instant messaging being a thing of the past, the new feature makes it even easier to lead someone on. By locking iMessage responses for a prespecified amount of time, users may appear as if they are living a busy and fulfilling life instead of waiting by their phone for a response from their crush.

The feature was tested by a small pool of users and was found to be highly effective at increasing text response time. “I was messing around with the settings, and I accidentally set the timer to 8 weeks, ghosting my long-distance boyfriend in the process,” said Alexis Baker, an early beta tester. Testers reported that text conversations utilizing the feature lasted a full day longer than usual with an average time of 42 minutes between texts.


— Soiled Science