Monday, March 17, 2025
Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

Letter to the Editor: Please Don’t Let This Semester Be So Goddamn Boring

By Milidairy Walk , in Letter to the Editor , at January 20, 2022 Tags: , , , , ,

Dear Mugdown,

I am writing on behalf of concerned parties to address the entire student body of Texas A&M University. What happened this past fall was inexcusable and downright criminal in many polite societies. What am I talking about? The fact that the fall 2021 semester was probably the most boring-ass semester of my entire career here at Texas A&M.

Gone are the days of petty Corps drama, sorority scandals, and the telenovela known as Fish Camp. Hell, even The Machine doesn’t think it’s as all-consuming as it once was. What a weak bunch of Aggies if I’ve ever seen one, and trust me, I’ve seen plenty in men’s organizations.

Remember that time the actual former governor of Texas tried to get involved in a student election? Or when Fish Camp chairs decided to drink at Lakeview and got kicked out? Those were the good times, when people actually did things and made a name for themselves on this campus. Apparently last semester everyone decided to play nice on campus, even though I know there’s hatred in people’s hearts somewhere.

How am I supposed to graduate at some point if there are no stories and no people I’ll still gossip about when I’m five years deep into my corporate job? I think it’s about time we start creating drama again through whatever means necessary, whether that be through toxic FLO culture or once again letting the most problematic people into our orgs.

I can’t be a Mugdown writer if y’all make me actually like this university. I’m tired of this Kumbaya shit. Let’s get messy again, Texas A&M.


— Milidairy Walk