Intramural Sports Playoff Selection Committee Snubs Undefeated Biochem Baller Bros
After hours of deliberation, Rec Sports experts from the Intramural Playoff Selection Committee officially released the fall 2021 basketball playoff bracket. Excitement for the tournament has largely been overshadowed by the disappointment and outrage felt by many Rec Sports fans over the exclusion of undefeated underdog team Biochem Baller Bros.
“I just don’t know what more we could have done,” said Jaylen Stuller, Biochem Baller Bros team captain. “I knew that we weren’t predicted to be a top team going into the season. But after wins over the Delta Alpha Dunkers and the Construction Science Kobes, I think we proved that we can compete with anyone on the court.”
The team, although only receiving support from a few pre-med groups during the season, has been the subject of hundreds of social media posts accusing Rec Sports of bias in its playoff selection process.
One Twitter user, identified as sophomore English major Albert Xu, called for systemic change in the construction of playoffs. “It’s obvious that, before the season starts, Rec Sports knows that their championship tournament is going to be made up of Power Five teams,” Xu’s Tweet read. “The championship tournament only invites teams involved in Greek life, men’s orgs, finance, construction science, and industrial distribution. Rec Sports is sending a message that the season is rigged and unfair.”
Pundits covering Competitive Intramural Basketball have defended the league’s decision, citing many teams’ underperformance for the remainder of the season, decreasing the importance of the wins against them by the Bros.

You’ve seen him, the phantom of the Memorial Student Center, lurking in the back of the lunch crowd. Perhaps you caught a glimpse of him darting in and out of various conference rooms. MSC ALITTLE is the CEO of overcommitment, and a sucker for any organization with a pithy acronym. His motives are a mystery. Clout chasing? Resume building? Maybe he just really likes the food at Rev’s. Whatever the case, we count ourselves lucky to be swept away to his lair in the basement, to be tutored in time management and seizing the day.