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Show Him You’re Not Like Other Girls: Join a Men’s Org

By Flash It Back, Ags , in Campus Life , at September 24, 2021 Tags: , , , , , , ,

Dear The Mugdown, 

When I first came to Texas A&M, I thought I would be so different from other girls here. I love being outdoors (I have a skateboard and Vans to prove it), I love drinking IPAs and recording them on Untapped, and above all, I genuinely enjoy watching every sport that exists. Even my XL t-shirts have ironic statements on them, like “Women Want Me, Fish Fear Me” so people know I have a good sense of humor. Despite this, I feel like I’m just blending in with the other women here and my crush isn’t noticing me. How do I show him that I’m able to be one of the boys while still having him think that I’m desirable? 

Help me!

Quirky and Unique


Hey Quirky,

You’re definitely not alone— many women struggle to find the line between being a bro and maintaining their status as a feminine object of sexual desire. From what you said, it can be assumed that you are not like other girls and get along better with guys because they’re so low-drama and easy to be around. You probably love playing Madden and Call of Duty, and you’ve been known to sing along to Chance the Rapper and Tyler, the Creator. This isn’t to say, however, that you walk around looking like a total schlub; you know how to rock a square-tip manicure and are a professional at putting your hair into a tastefully-arranged, messy low bun. Thankfully, there is one tried and true method that will undoubtedly get his attention and solidify you as the coolest girl he knows: joining a men’s org.

If you think about it, a men’s org is the perfect setting for a young woman who knows her worth, doesn’t wish to subject herself to the social intricacies of all-female friend groups, and has interests that other women “just don’t understand.” While the guys in your chosen org may initially try to reject you, rely on one of the skills you talked about. You could easily discuss the fruity undertones of whatever dog-piss water they’re calling beer or talk about how the Aggies really need to become more comfortable running passing plays and stop sitting on the ball for so damn long. Whatever you steer the conversation towards, make sure it’s something that other girls couldn’t even hope to talk about.

When joining a men’s org, you’ll want to make sure that you choose one with a good reputation and a membership base made up of guys that are hot, but not so hot that your crush feels like he has no chance. On the other end, you’ll want to avoid joining an org full of weirdos, uggos, or total virgins. You’ll ideally find a group that shares some of your common, non-female interests, has frequent brotherhood events you can post about, and allows you the opportunity to hone the assets you already have. Bonus points if they host a tailgate you can use to show off your perfect cornhole toss.

If all else fails, remember that the right person is out there for you. You shouldn’t have to completely sacrifice the things you love about yourself for the attention of a man who probably hasn’t washed his sheets since the beginning of the spring semester. The qualities that you value in yourself are what draw people to you, even if THE person hasn’t found you yet. You could also cash it in and date a guy in the Corps.

Happy hunting!


Flash it Back, Ags