Humble Candidates Not Wanted for Buck Weirus Spirit Award
Following the close of applications, decisions are currently underway for the Buck Weirus Spirit Award. To be considered for this prestigious award, interested parties must obnoxiously detail their contributions to the university during their time at Texas A&M. The award is given to 55 students who demonstrate high involvement throughout campus.
Jenna Frederickson, 2020 award recipient, considers the Buck Weirus Spirit Award to be the best award she’s ever received. “Being a Maroon Coat, member of a sorority, director of my FLO, and head of Big Event was all great, but Buck Weirus was the icing on the cake,” Frederickson said. “It’s an award just for the sake of getting an award and having people recognize me. What’s better than that?”
In addition to the recognition of the award, winners also get a one-of-a-kind watch that allows them to be identified in public. “A lot of students were struggling to find a way to casually bring up in conversation that they had won the Buck Weirus award, and we found applications declining,” said Cliff Dewberry, the designer of the Spirit watch. “We designed the watch so they could always be recognized, whether in class, at Northgate, or bouncing from one meeting to the next.”
While the award is given to students who are deemed “ultra-involved,” applicants who display any shred of humility are negatively screened for in the process. When asked about this, Association of Former Students President Porter Garner said, “If you’ve thought about if it’s worth it to apply for an award just to get acknowledgement from your friends and a free watch, this award isn’t for you.”
Applications for the Buck Weirus Spirit Award are now closed, but those who believe they are deserving of the award are encouraged to post on social media about how much they’ve done for Texas A&M.
— Quadbuck Naked

A caffeine-addicted fish with nothing to lose, Quadbuck Naked would rather strip down to his birthday suit and do a unit run while singing a jodie than go a single day without his coffee. Granted, he is an expert in what he calls “whipping out,” and has been known to do so on command. When he’s not sitting in the center of the first three rows of the lecture hall, you can spot this crazy cadet on the Quad sipping from a Starbucks cup. Who knows, bootchasers, maybe he’ll buy you a caramel macchiato one of these days! All we ask is that you tell us whether his fish cut matches the drapes.