We Ranked Every Major So You Don’t Have To!
Here it is, folks! After much deliberation, The Mugdown has curated the definitive list of every major ranked from best to worst.
- Industrial Distribution
- Electronic Systems Engineering Technology
- Zoology
- Multidisciplinary Engineering Technology
- Philosophy
- Agricultural Science
- Renewable Natural Resources
- Forestry
- Marine Fisheries
- Kinesiology
- Forensic & Investigative Sciences
- History
- Supply Chain Management
- Geographic Information Science & Technology
- Performance Studies
- Health
- Women’s & Gender Studies
- Genetics
- Poultry Science
- Biochemistry
- Marine Biology
- Geology
- Plant & Environmental Soil Science
- Finance
- Spanish
- Food Science & Technology
- Environmental Geosciences
- Agricultural Communications & Journalism
- Ecological Restoration
- International Studies
- Geophysics
- Marketing
- Maritime Studies
- Neuroscience
- Public Health
- Microbiology
- Modern Languages
- Environmental Studies
- Political Science
- Landscape Architecture
- Management
- Oceanography
- Anthropology
- Rangeland Ecology & Management
- Petroleum Engineering
- Spatial Sciences
- Biomedical Engineering
- Telecommunication Media Studies
- Molecular and Cell Biology
- Manufacturing & Mechanical Engineering Technology
- Bioenvironmental Sciences
- Electrical Engineering
- Communication
- Environmental Design
- Wildlife & Fisheries Sciences
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Marine Transportation
- Industrial Engineering
- Architectural Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Computer Science
- Aerospace Engineering
- Ocean Engineering
- Visualization
- Biomedical Sciences
- Management Information Systems
- Accounting
- Agribusiness
- Interdisciplinary Studies
- Entomology
- Sport Management
- Agricultural Systems Management
- Nursing
- Horticulture
- University Studies
- Applied Mathematical Sciences
- Urban & Regional Planning
- Economics
- Community Health
- Food Systems Industry Management
- Mechanical Engineering
- Biology
- Biological & Agricultural Engineering
- Statistics
- Coastal Environmental Science and Society
- Agricultural Leadership & Development
- Marine Engineering Technology
- General Studies
- Geography
- Psychology
- Turfgrass Science
- Agricultural Economics
- Human Resource Development
- Computer Engineering
- Marine Sciences
- Chemical Engineering
- Construction Science
- Mathematics
- Classics
- Nutritional Sciences
- English
- Maritime Business Administration
- Nuclear Engineering
- Meteorology
- Chemistry
- Computing
- Technology Management
- Animal Science
- Recreation Park & Tourism Sciences
- Physics
- Environmental Engineering
- Sociology
— I Took a Pill in Sbisa

What’s Chartwells serving today? More pasta? Better get in line before –– hey! That guy just cut in front of you! You start to tap him on the shoulder and ask just what the hell he thinks he’s doing, but then you see it: The grown-out platinum hair. The arm decked out in kandi bracelets. The pinpoint pupils. It’s I Took a Pill in Sbisa! He looks at you –– no, through you –– and glides away.