Letter to the Editor: Keep College Students out of College Station
Dear The Mugdown,
I am a long-time resident and homeowner in a good College Station neighborhood. I attended Texas A&M in 1978 and moved away for a while, eventually moving back to Aggieland to take a job with the university. But when I moved back, there were college students everywhere wrecking my neighborhood next to campus!
These college kids are also so entitled these days. When we lived in College Station, our houses were dumps, and that was fine because it was the ’70s! Nowadays, these kids want renovated kitchens and don’t want to live in the same houses we did. They’re tearing down those crappy houses next to mine and building nicer ones, increasing everyone’s property values and bringing in all those new restaurants around here…
Have you heard about what they do in their free time? When I was a student, I threw some parties, but these kids today are much wilder than I ever was. I am certain that age and judgment have not clouded how I remember my past behavior. And sure, I went to the Dixie Chicken when I was their age, but can’t they find their own bar at this point?
Last weekend, some sorority or some other weird organization had the nerve to host a 5K through our streets last week. I don’t care if the money benefits the poor kids in Bryan; these students need to keep to themselves and stay out of my way.
I mean, sure, my kids benefit from everything the university has to offer, but I am sick and tired of looking at twenty-somethings in XL t-shirts buying tallboys at my local corner store. Don’t get me wrong; I am employed by the university myself, so one would be hard-pressed to call me prejudiced against the youths. Still, I cannot help but see every bit of litter as their fault. Every nice park has some drifter with a nose ring and earthy sandals stringing up their hammock and playing a ukulele. Thankfully, I have the police on speed dial for noise complaints, I own stock in the towing company, and I keep my nose to the ground for anything that even hints of skunk.
Oh, and don’t get me started about last year when I signed up for the Big Event. I asked for ten strong young men to help pull weeds, clean out my shed, build a new deck, and repaint six of my seven bedrooms. They sent this coed group of yuppies that didn’t even finish weeding my 5-acre property!
When I hear the name “College Station,” I think of a quaint village with traditional values, not some town with a student population over 50%. I think it’s time we started keeping the college students out of College Station.
A Fed Up Homeowner
— Milidairy Walk & Ring Chunks