Student Embracing Self-Care Skips Final
Earlier today, sophomore business major Julia Grant decided to skip her Introductory Accounting final in the name of self-care.
“I’ve resolved to give the world the best of me instead of what’s left of me, you know?” said Grant. “It’s empowering to recognize when something isn’t serving you and walk away.”
The stress of studying for a final in December while trying to manage the holidays at home was taking a toll on her, but by simply letting go, Grant reported she felt a great sense of relief. Instead of cramming and pulling all-nighters, she was now able to spend that time doing what she loves: shopping online and browsing Twitter.
“It’s so important to take time to do what makes your soul happy, especially during these times,” said Grant, scrolling happily.
She encourages other students to reevaluate their responsibilities and prioritize their internal peace like she did. “Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent,” said Grant upon receiving her Canvas grade change notification.
— Squat Pilgrim

Look, you didn’t ask for your roommate to be the buffest guy in the hall. You’re not opposed to staying fit, but if we’re being honest, you have no idea what this guy is up to most of the time. He’s always drinking brightly colored concoctions, going on about PRs, and blasting the worst music you’ve ever heard while he takes mirror pic after mirror pic. You can’t deny it though: the dude’s got some thighs. Some thick, thunderous, meaty thighs. Sometimes you wonder if it’s really jealousy you’re feeling or if it’s… something else. Never mind.