Faculty Senate Suggests Q-Dropping Depression, Anxiety Amid Pass/Fail Discussion
Following a vote against the Student Senate’s request to consider a pass/fail option for this semester, Faculty Senate members have suggested students Q-drop depression and anxiety instead, citing these factors as the source of academic failure.
“We understand that this virus has caused hardships for everyone, but adding a pass/fail option is no cure,” said Faculty Senate member Christopher Carrington. “If students are really worried about failing, they should drop their mental illness.”
The Faculty Senate announced earlier this month that the Q-drop deadline would be extended to November 30 and that any drops would not count against the institutional and state limit. This decision came from concerns regarding the pandemic’s effect on the student body.
Faculty Senate member Rita Ruplestein stated that the process of Q-dropping is simple. In order to Q-drop, a student must fill out the form and give it to their advisor. Upon receipt of the form, all emotional trauma and panic-ridden thoughts will be marked off of their transcript.
“We can’t enable students with the hope that they might pull through and pass,” Ruplestein said. “Q-dropping is the best way to ensure they do not deal with depression or anxiety for the rest of the semester.” Ruplestein added that students should also consider how some professors would feel if they knew the effort they put into making their courses as draining online as in person was all for naught.
— Dead Pullout Society & Crygon