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Creative Arts Class Hard

By Longboard of Regents , in Campus Life , at November 19, 2020 Tags: , , , ,

Senior construction science major Jackson Telbid recently discovered that his creative arts class is harder than he expected.

Telbid reportedly began checking his grades in the final quarter of the semester and was shocked to see his creative arts class sitting at a letter grade of a C. He expected to have at least a B despite putting off lectures and homework assignments for weeks. Instead of staying caught up with the class material, Telbid found a much better use of his time by doing literally anything else.

What was supposed to be an easy blow-off class has quickly become a candidate for a GPA killer. “Creative arts classes are supposed to be a breeze where I can boost my GPA a little bit,” Telbid said. “How can my professor expect me to watch lectures that are well over an hour long and also do homework? I already have to do that for my regular classes. This wasn’t what I signed up for.”

In the closing weeks of the semester, Telbid will be tasked with studying for his final and completing a group project. It is expected that procrastination will get the best of him, yet he will still find a way to complain about the difficulty of a generally simple course.

It is unsure at this time if Telbid will be using a Q-drop and begin preparing for a second attempt in the spring.


— Longboard of Regents