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Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

Grandparents’ COVID-19 Diagnoses Steal Ring Day Spotlight

By Longboard of Regents , in Campus Life , at October 12, 2020 Tags: , , , , , ,

Last month, hundreds of Texas A&M University students received their Aggie Ring. Despite the warnings and health risks posed, many Aggies invited their at-risk family members to College Station. Days after the celebrations, participants were reportedly disappointed in their Ring Day experience, sharing that hundreds of grandparents’ positive COVID-19 diagnoses had stolen the spotlight from their Ring Day.

Families from all over Texas reportedly attended celebratory gatherings in houses, bars and restaurants in College Station. While local and statewide restrictions deterred some individuals, many grandparents felt they were immune to the virus. Many reportedly hugged their beloved grandchildren, most of whom have been actively attending in-person classes and house parties.

Most notably, this Ring Day corresponded with a home football game, which in and of itself should have kept visitors away. Nonetheless, the significant accomplishments associated with Ring Day were overshadowed by the ensuing wave of COVID-19 diagnoses. The Mugdown has yet to be informed if these disappointed students will re-do their celebration during the next official Ring Day.


— Longboard of Regents