Friend Claiming Imposter Syndrome Just Lucky Idiot
According to a new investigation by The Mugdown, Jaden Amber, a junior geology major who claims to struggle with “imposter syndrome,” is just a lucky idiot. It is alleged that Amber has been “open and vulnerable” with his peers about his struggles and how he is trying to overcome them, despite the fact that he is, by all accounts, a total moron.
Amber learned about imposter syndrome through a friend. His discovery of the term, which refers to marked feelings of inadequacy despite evident successes earned by personal excellence, resulted in an eye-opening moment that led to the claim that this was his exact experience.
Recently, Amber disclosed to his roommate Mark Carraway that he occasionally wonders if he only got into his prestigious honors program by luck and connections rather than by his own merit. Further investigation showed that is exactly what happened, as he was admitted to the Alpha Zeta Geology Honors program by a clerical error. The program advisor was too afraid to inform Amber of this due to the fact that Amber’s father is a notable donor to the program. Amber reportedly quickly moved past these doubts.
In an attempt to be an encouragement to others, Amber often mentors younger peers on how to recognize their value and intelligence when they cannot see it in themselves, even though Amber himself is an imbecile who once electrocuted himself by putting a fork in an electrical outlet at the age of nineteen.
— t.u.kulele

In the basement of the MSC, there is a broom closet that holds a secret society that is lesser known to the student body: the Texas A&M Ukulele Society. t.u.kulele is the founding member, consistently playing “Can’t Help Falling in Love” and “Nevershoutnever,” while avoiding all academic responsibility.