Student Body Divided in eCampus vs. Canvas Debate
Tensions among the student body have continued to rise as perhaps the most divisive issue of the year approaches its peak. Recent demonstrations by eCampus loyalists have reignited the eCampus vs. Canvas debate, and university officials are scrambling to resolve the conflict before it escalates further.
Sparked by the university’s recent push to move away from the eCampus platform, the dispute nearly became violent at the most recent rally for Canvas. eCampus supporters attended the rally in spades, carrying signs and speaking out against the “radical canvists.” University police were quickly dispatched to put an end to the hostility by any means necessary.
This disturbance marks the latest in a series of open conflicts between the two camps, with neither side willing to give any ground. Students from all backgrounds have put aside their differences on lesser issues such as racial injustice and the pandemic response to support their side of the great debate.
“eCampus had its time,” said junior marketing major Dylin Khor. “It’s time for a superior system to step in and do the job right.” When asked what merit Canvas had over its competitor, Khor reportedly began frothing at the mouth and repeatedly screaming “Silence the dissenters.” The next rally is scheduled to take place Saturday, and university police have reportedly begun stockpiling rubber bullets.
— Hullabaloo Balls

In the wee hours of the morning on the north side of campus, the echoes of basketballs dribbling and ping pong balls bouncing signal the presence of none other than Hullabaloo Balls. Neither UPD nor Rec employees have even come close to catching this black market sports equipment dealer. Realize you showed up to an intramural badminton game without your lucky shuttlecock? Like the Bat-Signal, Hullabaloo Balls will sense your panic and supply your needs, vanishing just as quickly as he appeared.