Professor Has Never Done This Before
At the beginning of his 3:15-4:30 ENGR 111 lecture on Thursday, Dr. Mitchell Dunnagan boldly stated that he “has never done this before” after spending five minutes figuring out how to begin screen sharing a PowerPoint over Zoom.
Following the shift to online classes in March, many professors have had to adapt to teaching in a hybrid or online setting for the first time. In addition to having to learn new technological skills and programs, lecturers are being forced to come up with original excuses for their lack of preparation regarding the use of said programs.
“Dr. Dunnagan spent like, most of the class talking about how he’s never had to teach this class online before because of how important in-person learning is,” said Rory Tanner, a freshman engineering major. Tanner went on to explain Dunnagan’s attempts to defend how he had never previously had to use a microphone, a webcam, or a laptop computer.
Other students have reported Dunnagan saying he couldn’t be held responsible for any class-related problems students had this semester, as he has never done this before and just needs everyone to be flexible.
— Flash It Back, Ags

You may have seen her skulking around campus in a beige trenchcoat, waiting for the perfect moment to reveal her ass to unsuspecting students. An exhibitionist at heart, she’s been arrested for streaking fifteen times since 2012. UPD is aware of her presence and is doing their best to keep her away from sporting events, graduations, and the background of promotional materials. You can often find her doing squats at the Rec. If you ask politely, she might just show you her assets.