Dedicated Academic Hero Follows Honor Code
Although tempted to cheat on his MGMT 209 exam, junior Mason Trife showed unparalleled respect for the Aggie Honor Code by taking his online exam without the use of any outside resources.
Upon logging in to eCampus, Trife discovered that his exam was not proctored. Thankfully, Trife had 15 minutes until the exam opened, giving him the chance to review his notes and textbook one last time before testing his knowledge of the subject.
Trife’s dumbstruck roommate reported that Trife dutifully put away his notes and textbook and began taking the exam using only his brain. Even on the questions he did not know, Trife reportedly resisted the urge to open his notes and textbook and even avoided opening a new tab to google the answer. Instead, he proceeded as if it was a regular exam and did his best.
Despite these heroic acts of integrity, Trife says he sees himself as an ordinary student. “I’m just doing what is right as a student and as an Aggie,” Trife said. “By cheating, I’m only hurting my ability to learn.”
— Longboard of Regents
You know that douchebag that rides his longboard in the “No Bike Zone” between the Memorial Student Center and Rudder? Yeah, that’s our Longboard of Regents. When he actually shows up to meetings, you can count on him to sit in the back and Juul with his head drooping to the side as he tries not to fall asleep.