QUIZ: Should You Go to Grad School?
Are you debating applying for graduate programs? We’ve devised a fun little series of questions to help you make an easy, well-informed, and stress-free decision!
- What are your career goals?
- Do you have student loans from your undergraduate degree?
- Will a graduate degree increase your earning potential?
- Do you really think going to grad school is going to make you happy?
- Do you realistically think any grad program is going to want you?
- Are you okay?
- Are you afraid of realizing that you have no goals in life outside of a carefully constructed degree plan?
- How do you feel about the idea of waking up every morning for the rest of your life to slave away under a system of corporate exploitation?
- Do you want to pursue the idealistic dream of contributing to society, or do you feel like you’re ready to just get a job at an insurance firm?
- $30,000? $50,000? Maybe even $100,000 in debt? Is money even real at that point?
- Are you simply trying to outrun your fear of turning into your parents?
- Does grad school allow you to live out your wildest fantasies of actually being good at something?
- Will another degree finally make your family respect you? Will it make your grandfather who got his Ph.D. to avoid going to Vietnam feel like you’re actually trying to succeed in life, just like people did in the good old days?
- Are you ready to endure two to six years of feeling like you are so underqualified in comparison to your equally self-conscious peers that you don’t even have the right to contribute in class discussions?
- Are you ready to possibly destroy any amount of joy you previously felt for this subject?
- Oh, so you want to be a professor? Are you prepared to enter an academic job market where underpaid and overworked associate professorships have replaced almost all tenured positions?
- Are you still okay?
- Did you click on this quiz because you wanted us to validate your terrible life choices?
Anyways, The Maroon Scare and Ring Chunks are excited to announce their commitment to [redacted] graduate programs for fall 2020. We look forward to seeing you there!
— The Maroon Scare & Ring Chunks