How to Get Her to Like You Back When You Aren’t in the Same City Anymore
Oh… Hey, man. You, like, actually clicked on this? You good, bro?
I mean, you probably knew this was a bit and wasn’t gonna be real advice, but you still clicked on it. Were you hoping that there would be a tiny tidbit of advice? That’s kinda sad.
Listen, bud, I know times are tough, but you’re better than this. You don’t need some girl to validate you. Everything’s gonna be OK. Someday you’ll find someone who you won’t have to get to like you; she just will.
In the meantime, stop using the internet to figure out how to secure a lady. You really shouldn’t need this.
— t.u.kulele

In the basement of the MSC, there is a broom closet that holds a secret society that is lesser known to the student body: the Texas A&M Ukulele Society. t.u.kulele is the founding member, consistently playing “Can’t Help Falling in Love” and “Nevershoutnever,” while avoiding all academic responsibility.