Cadet in Group Project Goes AWOL
On Tuesday, group project members in Marketing 321 were devastated when one member decided to go AWOL three days before their final presentation was due. Wyatt Richards, a junior cadet, reportedly stopped replying to GroupMe messages and stopped attending his project meetings in the last week before the presentation.
“We had been trying to prepare for our final presentation, so we scheduled meeting times in the library and assigned tasks to each group member,” said fellow member Hannah Simmons, a junior accounting major. “After texting us, ‘Sorry guys, I have Corps stuff and I can’t,’ Wyatt refused to reschedule or even show up at all.”
Group members are currently trying to assess the situation and adapt before the final report and presentation is due this Friday, but the outlook on the group’s success remains uncertain. Group member Ryan Webster said, “Honestly, I don’t even miss the guy. When he was here, he didn’t contribute at all. Instead, he complained the entire time about the Corps and chugged Red Bulls to keep himself awake.”
Note from Milidairy Walk – Howdy all, sorry if this article seems incomplete or short. I was writing it with a fellow writer in the Corps, but they never finished their part of the piece. I decided to just turn in what I had and hope for a B-. I can’t wait to wreck them on the writer peer reviews for this semester.
— Milidairy Walk

Riding horseback and scanning the horizon for any cattle left behind, Milidairy Walk proudly lifts his hat and wipes the sweat from his brow. It’s been a long day on the range, and he is ready to get some shut-eye. As he takes in the beautiful sunset, he ponders what his family may do with the ranch generations from now. The sun slowly dips below the hills and Milidairy Walk turns for home, hoping to return before supper gets cold.