Corps to Introduce 8th Hot Wag
Editor’s note: A source within the Corps provided the following communication from the Office of the Commandant. No edits have been made.
Attention 1st Sargeants: Please pass this down through your outfits and all chains.
Due to a new corps wide survey cadet morale is low, and we as a corps staff have decided to boost morale by adding an eighth hot wag to the cadet population.
We know it has long been in the standard that there can only be seven hot wags within the corps at a time, however without change we as a cadet corps are bound to fail.
The new wag will be placed in either Squadron 23 or F1, but if F-1 is unavailable she will go to D-1. The new wag will be introdcued during MEST at southside garage.
Please get your chains behind this new policy as we think it will bost morale and overall productivilty of our organnization!
— Hiss and Tell

After finally plucking up the courage to ask that cutie to be his date to the football game, Hiss and Tell carefully pops a few mints into his mouth after an Aggie touchdown. He sniffs his armpits a few times, nervously turns to face his date, closes his eyes, and leans in to mug down. Sure, to the unwitting viewer it might look like someone is making out with a 4.78-meter long reticulated python, but to Hiss and Tell? Well, this is the start of a beautiful love story.