French Bakery Helps Students Extend Study Abroad
Sweet Paris, an authentic French eatery located in College Station, announced record revenues in their earnings call Monday morning. While the company usually experiences positive net income year over year, Sweet Paris had a record 30% increase in profit for the third quarter. “We surprised the market by knocking earnings expectations out of the park,” owner Jaques Smith said. “We owe it all to our loyal study abroad students returning to campus this fall after experiencing la France.”
“In addition to being of the legal drinking age, I had these amazing crepes and pain au chocolat everyday in a tiny village near Paris,” said Troy Blanchard, a junior marketing major. “Sweet Paris is the one place that gives me that je ne sai quoi, you know what I mean?”
Sophomore spanish major Virginia Jackson agreed. “This summer was truly life-changing and inspiring as I backpacked around Europe instead of staying home like everyone else. I take my friends to Sweet Paris all the time now that I’m back so I can regale them with stories of gelato in Roma or my hazy weekend in Amsterdam. Wait, did I mention I studied abroad?”
In addition to an outstanding third quarter and a 10% increase in Instagram tags for Sweet Paris, other restaurants in Bryan-College Station are also experiencing higher traffic. Local Vietnamese and Chinese eateries have reported strong returns from religious missionaries and students who claim to have “found themselves” this summer. To combat long wait times, restaurants have suggested making reservations or slipping the maître d’ any leftover foreign currency.
—Milidairy Walk

Riding horseback and scanning the horizon for any cattle left behind, Milidairy Walk proudly lifts his hat and wipes the sweat from his brow. It’s been a long day on the range, and he is ready to get some shut-eye. As he takes in the beautiful sunset, he ponders what his family may do with the ranch generations from now. The sun slowly dips below the hills and Milidairy Walk turns for home, hoping to return before supper gets cold.