Student Raises $7,500 for Missionary Trip, Can’t Donate $2 to Food Bank
Last Friday, sophomore environmental design major Chloe Markoz declined to add $2 to her grocery bill to benefit the Brazos Valley Food Bank. Markoz recently raised $7,500 through the website GoFundMe for a three-week-long mission trip to Honduras with her local church group. Markoz is currently $500 short of her $8,000 goal, which will cover housing, food, work supplies, Chacos, one-piece swimsuits, and the professional photographer the church has retained for the entirety of the trip.
“No thanks, I can’t today,” Markoz said when the cashier asked for her donation.
The biography of Markoz’s GoFundMe page reads, “A little bit about me: I am a Jesus lovin’ gal who is just trying to do my part in the world. Please donate any funds you are able to, as this is an opportunity of a lifetime for me. Can’t wait to build houses in Honduras with Brazos Christian Sanctuary. You can follow my journey on Twitter (@MarkozMissionTrip22) and Instagram (@MarkozMissionTrip22), as well as through my blog If you feel uncomfortable donating through GoFundMe, you can always Venmo me @MarkozMissionTrip22. Thanks again guys, can’t wait to dive into God’s Spirit a thousand miles away ~~~Galatians 5:13~~~!”
It is unclear at this point whether Markoz will be able to attend the mission trip if she is unable to crowdfund the last $500, but she will certainly keep her followers updated on the status of her journey through her many social media accounts.
—Buffalo Wild Wags
Link to donate to Brazos Valley Food Bank.

Wait… you’ve never eaten wings at Duncan before? Woe is you, because there is only one cadet crafty enough to finagle Buffalo Wild Wings delivery to the Quad at any waking moment. If starving cadets have ever woken up drooling to the scent of Hot BBQ or Mango Habanero, you could blame her, if you knew who she was. But don’t be too upset, we can’t convince her to bring any to meetings either.