Administration Building Just Glad to Have a Keepsake
The Administration Building recently responded to questions regarding graduation traditions at Texas A&M University. “In the grand scheme of things, these outbound seniors have only been here for the blink of an eye – but I will cherish all of this confetti nonetheless.”
According to local photographer Sam Wellingsburg, most students try to make their graduation seem festive by taking pictures with confetti, streamers or glitter. For those who want to convince their social media contacts that they are financially stable, Wellingsburg suggests spraying a bottle of champagne for a bourgeois appearance. “The combination of cheap wine and colored paper sends a message: I am leaving Texas A&M, for better or worse.”
Formally known as the Jack K. Williams Administration Building, “Admin” told The Mugdown that it is a high honor to be in the blurred background of graduation photos, even if most graduates have never gone inside. It said that the unwritten tradition of taking pictures on its steps feels like a humbling tribute.
“One of the most important Aggie Values is ‘Respect,’ and I am so grateful for all of the respect that is shown to me by these graduates,” Admin concluded.
—West Campus Mirage

Did you see her? Did you not see her? West Campus Mirage is as much a figment of our imagination as she is yours. Supposedly, she can’t come to meetings because all of her classes are on West Campus. Yet, no one has actually seen her in real life, only on the Bush School website.