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Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

Local Student Defends Legality of High School Girlfriend

By Mugdown Staff , in Local News , at April 4, 2019 Tags: , , , , ,

Reactions ranging from general discomfort to disgust were observed at The Cottages last Friday as electrical engineering senior Ray Hillman publicly defended the legality of his high school girlfriend.

Hillman had invited his 17-year-old girlfriend Marisa Tyler, a senior from Allen High School, to a party at his apartment. There, he announced how his relationship with someone five years his junior was entirely within the confines of the Texas penal code.

“I know it’s technically legal, but it’s just weird. When he was a senior in high school, she was in 8th grade. Think about that,” said Barbara Schirtz, Hillman’s classmate and fellow party attendee.

Hillman and Tyler’s relationship began during winter break when Hillman swiped right on Tyler’s Tinder profile, which had the bio “actually 17 lol.”  The relationship has continued throughout the semester, much to the disbelief of both party’s friends. Hillman’s seven-minute speech over the relationship contained legal and moral arguments supporting his relationship. Hillman was recorded to have said the phrase “true love” fives times and referenced state and federal laws eleven times.

Hillman’s housemate and Economics senior Thomas Oliver spoke to The Mugdown about his reaction.

“I must have been the third person to take him aside to ask him about it. He said it wasn’t any different than me dating a sophomore, and then he decided to turn off the music and make this big speech for everyone to hear,” said Oliver. “He’s normally a pretty solid guy, but what the hell was he thinking reciting the age of consent laws word for word in front of a dozen people. I mean Jesus, man.”

When Oliver and the rest of the partygoers left for Northgate, Tylers and Hillman stayed at the Cottages, on the account that Tylers could not legally enter a bar and because she had an AP Environmental Science exam on Monday.


—Space Cadet & Buffalo Wild Wags