Saturday, February 22, 2025
Texas A&M's First Satirical Newspaper, Since 1875

Students with Disabilities Tired of Your Shit

By Washboard Ags , in Local News , at March 7, 2019 Tags: , , , ,

Last Thursday, Texas A&M Disability Services released a memo detailing complaints from students with disabilities about the condition of the single-stall, handicap designated bathrooms around campus. The report indicated that students with disabilities frequently find the single-stall bathrooms polluted by students without disabilities seeking a private place to “unloose the caboose.” When the memo was released, Mugdown investigators began interviewing students without disabilities to get a better understanding of the issue.

The data collected showed an overwhelming ignorance to the presence of handicap-designated bathrooms on campus. “You mean those nice, big single-stall bathrooms, like on the first floor of the MSC?” asked senior Brandon Wolkovitz. “The ones with the sturdy handrail and the nice wide seat? Yeah those are prime dump-taking bathrooms. I frequent those bad boys every day before ISTM 250.”

Other students displayed a similar lack of conviction around which bathrooms they consider acceptable to use. “I don’t discriminate when it comes to toilets.” said junior marketing major Aron Hanskin. “If its there’s an open pot, I’m not afraid to make like Snoop Dogg and ‘drop it like it’s hot,’ if you know what I mean.”

So far, no official decisions have been made towards a solution for this issue. Sources indicate that the committee is discussing swipe-access-only locations and possible staff monitoring of handicap-designated bathrooms. Until a solution is found, however, students with disabilities will just have to find a way to deal with all your shit.


—Washboard Ags