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Fish Camp Counselors Chosen Based on Applications and Interviews

By Wehner Dog , in Local News , at March 5, 2019 Tags: , , , , ,

Sharon Herrod and Sarah Gillium have made history by being the first Fish Camp chairs to pick counselors solely based on their applications and interviews. The Mugdown had the opportunity to speak to the duo about their thoughts after their Rev night.

“This year we decided to pick counselors based on how well they fit our vision. We understand that this is a big change from how counselors have been chosen in the past, and we get why some chairs might be skeptical of this new approach,Gillum said. “But we think we may be able to get a quality camp out of it. Only time will tell.”

Herrod also shared her thoughts on the process. “Using the “Control F” functions for finding applicants in men’s organizations is effective, but we found that we just didn’t have enough time to search every one of them this way,” she said. “We tried to Facebook stalk our applicants, but we couldn’t always tell how attractive they were from their middle school pictures.” Herrod concluded that by taking the time to carefully consider each potential camp member they might identify some counselors.

Gillum, who has a few concerns about the process but still feels confident, added, “I am usually out three times a week on average, so I thought I’d meet most of my counselors that way. Unfortunately reading these apps took too much out of me this year to meet them in person, but I have faith our counselors won’t be socially awkward.”

Herrod and Gillium said that they’re optimistic about the quality of the candidates they selected this way, but also stated that they’re prepared to return to the old way of choosing counselors if things don’t work out.


—Wehner Dog