White Student with Black Friend Seeks Culture Credit Waiver
When told by her advisor that she still needed a culture credit on her transcript in order to graduate next summer, Claire Luthor was not worried.
“It’s okay,” Luthor said, “I have a black friend!”
Luthor reportedly met her friend in 9th grade, and they have been in loose contact ever since. They were last seen together in a mandatory class photo when they graduated high school. Luthor told Mugdown reporters that the experience was highly educational and gave her great insights into African-American culture.
“I learned more from that friendship than a college class could ever teach me,” Luthor said.
Luthor hopes that her constant dedication will play into her time as a Fish Camp counselor, too. “I wrote in my app that I even once dated a black guy, so my chairs know that I am super accepting of others!”
The friend in question was not available to comment. The Mugdown will report Luthor’s advisor’s response, as approval of credit will likely be requested by many students at Texas A&M who also have a black friend in the future.
—West Campus Mirage

Did you see her? Did you not see her? West Campus Mirage is as much a figment of our imagination as she is yours. Supposedly, she can’t come to meetings because all of her classes are on West Campus. Yet, no one has actually seen her in real life, only on the Bush School website.