Inclusivity-Based Organization Sends Out Exclusivity-Based Rejections
This past Sunday, Fish Camp sent out application decisions to over 2,400 applicants. About 1,200 of these students will have the opportunity to create a universally accepting support system to welcome incoming freshmen Aggies at the end of the summer. The other half of the applicants are unwanted and not welcome to help in any form this coming year.
Each summer, thousands of freshmen partake in their first tradition at Lakeview Methodist Conference Center in Palestine, Texas. There, counselors put forth every effort for four days straight to make the freshmen feel loved and included. If those same freshmen choose to apply for Fish Camp the following year, counselors will no longer be obliged to include them.
One of Fish Camp’s core values – continuity – encourages counselors to spend time with their freshmen even after camp ends. This is not limited to their own freshmen. Counselors frequently extend continuity event invites to all of their freshmen’s friends so every fish, whether or not they attended camp, is included at Texas A&M. However, rejected counselor applicants are discouraged from spending time with actual counselors and are encouraged to promptly go away.
—Anime Sciences

Treading silently through the Kleberg Center amongst the yeeyees and horse girls, we find Anime Sciences making his way to class with his head bowed. An inattentive freshmen accidentally walks into him, and suddenly the crowded hallway goes hush. A mind-bendingly long series of close-ups, confused grunts, and angry growls signals the triggering of Anime Sciences’ wrath as he unsheathes his katana from its holster. Uttering a rapid flurry of insults in English that somehow don’t match the movement of his lips, he challenges the freshman to either flee or face certain death. The fish scampers off. Order is restored in West Campus.