Local Consulting Company Creates Plan to Increase Christian Date Creativity
With the rise of Christian men’s organizations on campus, men in the Christian Bubble are struggling to beat the competition and take their “Ruth” out on the perfect, intentional date.
A group of junior economics majors from the Brotherhood of Men in Christ, Beta Mu Chi, decided to fill this void and serve their fellow Christian men through their dating consulting company, Solomon Services. As heavily experienced daters and self-declared experts, they started a company to create a personalized dating experience for their male clients.
“This one time, I took a girl on a simple first date to Lake Bryan,” said founder Jake Carlton. “I had a string quartet play some sick worship music, and as we were really getting into the spirit I surprised her with a hot air balloon that landed from the sky! She seemed amazed as we floated through the air, looking out over the landscape as a plane wrote her name. We sat in silent awe through most of the experience, and I came to the realization that I was an amazing dater. That’s when I decided to start the business.”
Most dating services provide a “one size fits all” plan to get the girl, but Solomon Services provides personal assistance to help maximize dating creativity. Using an advanced algorithm, the Surefire Dating Creator™ factors in information about your target, including women’s org involvement, Breakaway attendance rate, and whether or not she goes to Antioch.
“I love Solomon Services,” one happy user of the service told The Mugdown. “There was this junior in Pi Phi that I felt the Lord calling me to ask out, but I had no clue what to do, because everyone knows you can’t just have a conversation with a girl on a date. The Surefire Dating Creator™ recommended that I take her on a surprise romantic flight to New Mexico, to recreate scenes from High School Musical at the actual school where it was filmed. We ended up not clicking so there wasn’t a second date, but all my brothers in Christ were so impressed by my innovation. I even have the pictures to prove it!”
This algorithm has reported such overwhelming success rates among men that the company is considering expanding its services to creative proposal ideas—if any of their clients make it that far.
—t.u.kulele & Christian Bubble Butt