Letter to the Editor: Could You Take This Quick Survey for My Class?
Hey, I really hope this isn’t too much of a bother. I’ve put this in seven or eight GroupMe’s, but I’ve only received 10 submissions. At least 500 people have seen my post! I mean, I know I’m not great friends with everyone in each group, but you’d think they could take a little bit of time out of their day just to answer a few simple questions. We say “Aggies take care of Aggies” and all that, but no one can even spare a couple minutes to help me out.
I mean, come on. It’s just a short little questionnaire over some basic psychology concepts. I haven’t been paying much attention in class, but it was supposed to be about different psych stuff like the “bystander effect” and “diffusion of responsibility”. I mostly just recreated my friend’s survey but with different wording. It didn’t take me long to make so it definitely won’t take long to fill out!
I hope this has convinced you to fill it out. I really could use the extra answers, or else I won’t have anything to turn in. I’m getting so desperate I’m about to post it in my freshman Fish Camp and old class group messages.
Here’s the link: https://goo.gl/niZhom
Question Heir
—Anime Sciences

Treading silently through the Kleberg Center amongst the yeeyees and horse girls, we find Anime Sciences making his way to class with his head bowed. An inattentive freshmen accidentally walks into him, and suddenly the crowded hallway goes hush. A mind-bendingly long series of close-ups, confused grunts, and angry growls signals the triggering of Anime Sciences’ wrath as he unsheathes his katana from its holster. Uttering a rapid flurry of insults in English that somehow don’t match the movement of his lips, he challenges the freshman to either flee or face certain death. The fish scampers off. Order is restored in West Campus.